Die Menschen in Haiti benötigen Hilfe

The people in Haiti need help.

Help give them new hope!
Despite the numerous appeals for donations from large aid organizations providing much-needed assistance in many places worldwide, we ask you not to forget us and the people of Port-Salut. We strive to provide sustainable assistance to the people in Haiti, just as the founder and patron of Haitihilfe - Heinz Kühn - began over 40 years ago.

We continue to help the children, the poor, and the elderly in Haiti even when the country fades from the headlines and the awareness of the global community. However, we need your support to be able to help. We travel to Haiti every fall to personally deliver the donations to the children and those in need. This ensures that every euro you donate goes directly to where it is needed! Our association is recognized as charitable and non-profit according to §§51 ff. AO with an exemption notice dated August 12, 2020.

Support the Haitihilfe with a donation!
Whether it's 1 euro or 100 euros, every contribution helps!

Donation account:
Recipient: Haitihilfe Heinz Kühn e.V.
Account: 18206664
bank: Sparkasse Wiesental
BLZ: 68351557
IBAN: DE97 6835 1557 0018 2066 64
tax number: 143/216/60623
NGO register (Munich): VR 208102
1st chairperson Christian Honeck
Vice chairperson Michael Knoll

Important: Please provide your full name and address when making the transfer.

You will then be included in our donor list and, for donations of 300 euros or more, you will receive an official donation receipt (up to 300 euros, the account statement serves as proof of donation for tax purposes. If you still require a separate receipt, please contact us.)

By providing your address, you consent to having your data included in our donor list. You will then regularly receive information about our projects from us. This consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Now donate via PayPal:

Donate a student sponsorship!

You're still looking for a gift idea for your child's, grandchild's, or another occasion's enrollment? Surely, you've noticed that sometimes giving is more rewarding than receiving. Our experience shows that children feel the same way. How about sponsoring a schoolchild in Haiti as a gift? Unlike another toy that loses its appeal after a short while, your child can help another child with this gift while experiencing the privilege of going to school themselves.

Learn more: Gift student sponsorships

Students Help Students

For almost ten years now, the Max-Planck-Highschool has been supporting us with an annual sponsored run. The students seek sponsors in their circle of acquaintances and friends, who pledge to pay them a predetermined amount for each lap run. In the past, annual total donations of over 20,000 euros have been collected! Many thanks at this point! Are you also interested in supporting us with a charity project? Just contact us! More information about the project | homepage of Max-Planck-Highschool Bad Krozingen

Thank you so much!
