Recipient: | Haitihilfe Heinz Kühn e.V. |
Account: | 18206664 |
bank: | Sparkasse Wiesental |
BLZ: | 68351557 |
IBAN: | DE97 6835 1557 0018 2066 64 |
tax number: | 143/216/60623 |
NGO register (Munich): | VR 208102 |
1st chairperson | Christian Honeck |
Vice chairperson | Michael Knoll |
Important: Please provide your full name and address when making the transfer.
You will then be included in our donor list and, for donations of 300 euros or more, you will receive an official donation receipt (up to 300 euros, the account statement serves as proof of donation for tax purposes. If you still require a separate receipt, please contact us.)
By providing your address, you consent to having your data included in our donor list. You will then regularly receive information about our projects from us. This consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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